We Are the Flood
Dando vita a "una eco arte davvero progressiva", come la definisce Timothy Morton, Stefano Cagol ha condotto un esteso progetto multi-sito ai quattro angoli della Terra, tra deserti, giungle primordiali, popoli indigeni e iceberg millenari, guardando al molto prima di noi e pensando al dopo. Immagini video sono scaturite da spedizioni di ricerca e creazione attraverso un metodo fatto di performance seriali in totale solitudine, riflettendo sulle moltitudini, in dialogo e interazione con la natura. "Rappresento un'umanità scaltra, che contempla pezzi resistenti di paradiso e gioca tra equilibrio e un impatto devastante", spiega Cagol, raccontando rituali un po' mistici e sciamanici, un po' punk ed esorcizzanti. Con un fumogeno in una mano e un sofisticato sistema di controllo per drone nell'altra. Triggering "very progressive eco art," as Timothy Morton defines it, Stefano Cagol has conducted an extensive multi-site project in the four corners of the Earth, between deserts, primordial jungles, indigenous peoples and millenary icebergs, looking back to the far before us and thinking about the after. Video images have emerged from research and creation expeditions through a method of serial performances in total solitude, reflecting on the multitudes, in dialogue and interaction with nature. "I represent a shrewd humanity, contemplating resistant pieces of paradise and playing between balance and a devastating impact," Cagol states, recounting rituals that are a bit mystical and shamanic, a bit punk and exorcising. With a smoke bomb in one hand and a sophisticated drone remote control in the other. Con saggi di / with essays by: Timothy Morton, Francesca Guerisoli, Andreas Hoffmann, Nur Hanim Mohamed Khairuddin, Shaarbek Amankul, Carlo Maiolini, Patrizia Famà. "We Are the Flood." It sounds grand, sublime, awesome. Is it "bad"? We might even like that we are the flood. How many times have white Western humans imagined that they are the agents of God, or of history, the Other of the Other? How many regions of the world have not been marked by the results of this idea? So many, and none. Cagol's conceptual works are particularly relevant in today's challenging times. They often provoke a sense of awareness and perhaps guilt about the chaotic situations resulting from global social and political conflicts. His concern for climate change is inevitable and must be consistently brought to the public's attention for them to contemplate and consider the consequences of human negligence.
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postmedia books | Manifesto __ We Are the Flood nasce radicato nel suo tempo, un tempo a confronto con l'impatto dell'essere umano sulla Terra, in cui emerge in Europa il concetto di Nuovo Bauhaus Europeo, ossia di centralità della cultura come chiave di volta nella programmazione del futuro. Le basi di questa visione sono espresse nel testo di presentazione di NextGenerationEU. We Are the Flood le ha fatte proprie disseminando nel proprio manifesto termini e passaggi, riconoscibili tra le virgolette. Manifesto __ We Are the Flood was born rooted in its time, a time confronted with the impact of human beings on the Earth, in which the concept of the New European Bauhaus emerged in Europe, i.e. the centrality of culture as the key to planning for the future. The basis of this vision is expressed in the presentation text of NextGenerationEU. We Are the Flood embodied it by disseminating in its manifesto terms and passages recognisable between the inverted commas.
a cura di Stefano Cagol | We Are the Flood. Stefano Cagol | Postmedia Books 2024 |